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Blog Top Podcasts

Too much to listen and too little time
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Steve Sjuggerud: This is Not What the Peak of a Bull Market Looks Like - Meb Faber Show – Ep.49
Too much to listen and too little time... My rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5) Pointers: His background.How do you think about investing. “I look for 3 things in an investment: cheap, hated and in an uptrend. How did you come around to this framework (Value and Momentum). 10:44 – You’ve been one of the most consistently bullish people on US stocks for years.
Joaquin Gaspar
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Rankiano desde hace más de 13 años
Se habla mucho de depositar confianza, pero nadie dice qué interés te pagan
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  1. Steve Sjuggerud: This is Not What the Peak of a Bull Market Looks Like - Meb Faber Show – Ep.49
  2. Progress - You are not so smart - Ep.96
  3. Richard Duncan - The Investors Podcast - Ep. 133
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