
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
10,527 / 17,015

Re: Farmas USA

Sip, algunos hilos parecen luchas de bajistas contra alcistas a degüello. E incluso hay algunos que se convierten en bajistas por el mero hecho de haber perdido pasta en un determinado valor, mientras se alegran de que siga bajando y los alcistas sigan perdiendo. Nunca lo entenderé, pero de todo tiene que haber en esta vida...


Re: Farmas USA

Si, eso lo he visto en muchos sitios, foros usanos tb.
Peña que es bajista en un valor y no para de despotricar contra él un dia tras otro.
al final le sonsacas al tipo y resulta que perdio dinero con el valor y ahora lo odia tanto que pasa tiempo en foros dando por saco por joder y como desahogo.
o perdio pasta y vendio y no quiere ver que el stock se recupere porque eso ya terminaria de machacarlo

Yo es que esas cosas no las entiendo ...porque todos asumen que sus comentarios influyen tanto en la gente que al final afectan a la accion del precio. Es de estupidos


Re: Farmas USA


Resultados en linia y tocados loa 8 en AH a ver hoy si tiene continuidad:

ZIOPHARM Oncology (NASDAQ:ZIOP): Q4 EPS of -$0.07 in-line.Revenue of $1.91M (+461.8% Y/Y) beats by $0.17M.

ZIOPHARM Reports Fourth-Quarter 2015 Financial Results and Provides Update on Recent Activities


Re: Farmas USA

Amarin Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2015 Financial Results and Provides Update on Operations

62% Increase in Fourth Quarter and 51% Increase in Full-Year Total Revenue Compared to 2014; REDUCE-IT Cardiovascular Outcomes Study Continuing on Schedule; Conference Call Set for 8:00 a.m. ET Today


  • Revenue growth: Recognized $26.4 million in net product revenue from Vascepa sales and $26.6 million in total revenue in Q4 2015, reflecting a 24% increase over Q3 2015 net product sales and 60% increase over Q4 2014 net product sales, and leading to full-year net product revenue of $81.0 million and full year total revenue of $81.8 million, increases of 49% and 51%, respectively, over 2014;
  • Prescription growth: Increased normalized prescriptions, based on data from Symphony Health Solutions and IMS Health, by 14% and 15%, respectively, compared to Q3 2015, representing an increase of approximately 52% and 55%, respectively, compared to Q4 2014;
  • Gross margins: Achieved gross margin on product sales of 68% during Q4 2015, the highest to date in any quarterly period, and full-year gross margin of 66% driven by ongoing improvements in product costs; 
  • R&D progress: Exceeded 99% enrollment in REDUCE-IT cardiovascular outcomes study with the cumulative primary cardiovascular event rate tracking to expectation and independent research further increasing the company's confidence in the success of this important study; and
  • Strengthened management team: Appointed Craig Granowitz, M.D., Ph.D., former senior vice president and head of global medical affairs, global human health at Merck, to newly created position of chief medical officer; and hired a new head of managed care team to support expanded commercial growth and further prepare for REDUCE-IT success.




Aqui el 8k


Aqui dejo el 10K


Tengo anotado que las estimaciones de Marketbeat eran de:

EPS ($0.13)       REVENUES  




Leo que el EPS es de -0,10$ asi que AMARIN bate expectativas por +0.03$ y por +2,5 millones $ en revenues




Amarin anticipates that its expanded ability to promote Vascepa will continue to drive increases in Vascepa revenues in 2016. Based on 2015 growth and anticipated trends, the company reiterates its guidance estimate of total 2016 net product revenue of between $105 million and $120 million. Revenue within this range is expected to position Amarin to enter 2017 cash flow positive from commercial operations, excluding REDUCE-IT and other R&D expenses not required to sustain current commercial operations.


Anda que no queda hasta alcanzar los numeros negros de verdad ... 


Re: Farmas USA


Bastante buenos los resultados, no???


Re: Farmas USA

$AMRN Reports Q4 EPS $(0.10) vs $(0.13) Est., Sales $26.4M vs $24.1M Est.

Short over 17 DTC


Re: Farmas USA

Buf, eso se ve en los foros españoles a diario, parece lo normal, creo que el fenómeno debe de darse a nivel mundial. Yo vendo y me quedo calladito si no hay news significativas buenas o malas, lo demás es marranear.

BT, ya en mi trader room.